Battle of Sea
Online Pirate and Sea War Game

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Battle of Sea - Forum

Jack Ward

Hello Pirates
According to rumors among the pirates, the ruthless Jack Ward is on his way to plunder the seas at great speed. The pirate's ship is full of loot, now is the opportunity to plan and loot it! You can also win the ship design by took the last shoot the Jack Ward ship.

What is the Event Date?
-With the server date: 30.06.2023 00:00 - 02.07.2023 23:59 (3 days)
What is the Content of the Event?
-Event Ship: Jack Ward

What are the event ship details?
There is 1 on each map. He has 7,500,000 health points. Gives gold and ship points as a reward. It gives the ship design to the player who took the last shoot with 100% rate.
Are there any extra features?
Fireballs do more damage to event ships.
Are there event missions?
There are 2 event mission in the Event tab.
-Damage the pirate ship Jack Ward. (5m)
-Damage the pirate ship Jack Ward. (15m)
How does event ranking work?
Event points are earned based on damage to event ships. At the end of the event, prizes are distributed for the following rankings.
(1) 2,000,000 ship points, 200,000 tp.
(2-5) 1.500.000 ship points, 150.000 tp.
(6-10) 1,000,000 ship points, 100,000 tp.
(11-50) 500,000 ship points, 50,000 tp.

27.06.2023 12:31:33
★†ırdッ, 乂TheLegend乂, ☪乂★İMKANI-YOK★乂☪, EMEKTAR☾★, 乂DaRK☠️DeViL乂, ☠️DanLord☠️™, *A*T*A*L*A*I*A*, ★K-I-Y-I-C-I★AĞA★, FUCACAMAPAPA, Moolloot, ISeeYou, ッHANSAッ™, 乂♛$ergent_DØØFY-H乂G♛乂 liked this message.

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