Battle of Sea
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Halloween 2023

Hello Pirates
Halloween, the most special event every year in the BOS seas, is approaching. Along with the event, event rankings and event missions are also waiting for you.
What is the Event Date?
By server time: 27.10.2023 00:00 - 29.10.2023 23:59 (3 days)
What is Event Content?
1- Event Monster: Giant Fly Monster (Small NPC)
2- Event Ship: Halloween 2019 Ship (Small NPC)
3- Event Ship: Bootstrap Ship (Boss NPC)
4- Tender Item: Pumpkin Cannonball (2x ship points)
5- Tender Item: Bootstrap Admiral Ship Design
6- Tender Item: Halloween 2019 Ship Design
7- Tender Item: Halloween 2021 Ship Design
Giant Fly Monster:
It is found on every map. It has 2,000 health points. As a reward, it gives 1 Bootstrap key and 75-85 items of any of the rocket, speed, repair, gunpowder, armor, healing, fireworks, steel harpoon items. Provides 500 event points.
The Bootstrap key is awarded only to the player who made the last hit, other rewards can be split jointly.
Halloween 2019 Ship:
It is found on every map. It has 20,000 health points. It gives 1 Bootstrap key, experience point and ship point as a reward. Grants 2,750 event points
The Bootstrap key is awarded only to the player who made the last hit, other rewards can be split jointly.
Bootstrap Ship:
When 35 Halloween 2019 ships are sunk on any map, the Bootstrap ship will spawn at the location of the 35th ship. The remaining number information for spawn can be learned by sunking Halloween 2019. If Bootstrap is on the map or is about to spawn, the remaining number is written as 0.
It has 7,500,000 health points. As a reward, it gives gold, experience points and event points depending on the amount of hits.
-When you collect 300 keys, you will win the Bootstrap design from the event missions tab. You can collect the keys by dealing the final blow to the "Giant Fly" monster and the "Halloween 2019" ship.
-During the event, you can find pumpkin cannonball, Halloween 2019 and Halloween 2021 designs in the auction.
Are there any extra features?
The pumpkin cannonballs deals more damage to event ships.
Are there event missions?
There are 4 event missions in the Event tab.
1- Deal 5,000,000 damage to the "Halloween 2019" ship
2- Deal 7,500,000 damage to the ship "Bootstrap"
3- Deal 150,000 damage to the "Giant Fly" monster
4- Collect 300 "Bootstrap" keys
How does event ranking work?
Event points are earned based on damage to event ships. At the end of the event, prizes are distributed for the following rankings.
(1) 2,000,000 ship points, 200,000 exp and "Bootstrap Admiral" ship design.
(2-5) 1.500.000 ship points, 150.000 exp and "Bootstrap Admiral" ship design.
(6-10) 1,000,000 ship points, 100,000 exp and "Bootstrap Admiral" ship design.
(11-50) 500,000 ship points, 50,000 exp.
NOTE: Winning the Bootstrap Admiral design from the tender and being in the top 10 will not give you an extra reward, so you should plan well how you will obtain the design.

12.10.2023 15:33:13
★†ırdッ, *A*T*A*L*A*I*A*, PeTeTuXMaXi, TØUCHER-CØULER, **[COLOSO]**, briiz♥, wess, ✘0RACHIN0✘, 乂TheLegend乂, seÇØ., BELAッ, ☠️乂[KRØNI乂.74]乂☠️, ★ÇILGIN●KAPTAN★™{ŞRF}, Pkzin027, MarcosPM, S☯UTINN!!☾★, FlowMafia, MAX[PVP], PATRØN☾★™, ◄◄◄C!DEL!►►►NR1, 乂►ECLIPSE™◄乂, ALpeRenッ08, closer liked this message.

Regarding a frequently asked question about pumpkin cannonball, pumpkin cannonball also gives x2 ship points after the event, equal to fireball cannonball in terms of ship points.

26.10.2023 20:30:24
★†ırdッ, SNAKE, ALpeRenッ08 liked this message.

Hello Pirates
The first hour of the event has passed and our own online record has been broken again with a record participation. In the first 1 hour, a total of approximately 30,000 event keys were collected for the design.
Have fun.

27.10.2023 01:15:10

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