Battle of Sea
Online Pirate and Sea War Game

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Battle of Sea - Forum


Hello Pirates
The Patron gang is coming to our seas. In addition, event rankings and event missions are waiting for you along with the event.
Note: There is no design in this event.
What is the Event Date?
By server time:
09.02.2024 00:00 - 11.02.2024 23:59 (3 days)
What is Event Content?
1- Event Monster: Curse of Patron Monster (Small NPC)
2- Event Ship: Patron (Small NPC)
3- Event Ship: Patron Admiral (Boss NPC)
Curse of Patron Monster:
It is found on every map. It has 3,000 health points. As a reward, it gives 70-80 items of any of the rocket, speed, repair, gunpowder, armor, healing, fireworks, steel harpoon items. Provides 500 event points.
Patron Ship:
It is found on every map. It has 120,000 health points. It gives experience point and ship point as a reward. Grants 2,750 event points.
Patron Admiral Ship:
When 35 Patron ships are sunk on any map, the Patron Admiral ship will spawn at the location of the 35th ship. The remaining number information for spawn can be learned by sunking Patron. If Admiral is on the map or is about to spawn, the remaining number is written as 0.
It has 45,000,000 health points. As a reward, it gives gold, experience points, ship points and event points depending on the amount of hits.
Are there any extra features?
The fireball and firework cannonballs deals more damage to event ships.
Are there event missions?
There are 3 event missions in the Event tab.
1- Deal 30,000,000 damage to the "Patron" ship
2- Deal 50,000,000 damage to the ship "Patron Admiral"
3- Deal 200,000 damage to the "Curse of Patron" monster
How does event ranking work?
Event points are earned based on damage to event ships. At the end of the event, prizes are distributed for the following rankings.
(1) 2,000,000 ship points, 200,000 exp.
(2-5) 1.500.000 ship points, 150.000 exp.
(6-10) 1,000,000 ship points, 100,000 exp.
(11-50) 500,000 ship points, 50,000 exp.

02.02.2024 18:48:19
HATTAT,, TCG-Albatros27, ♛ALFFA●RulERsッ2{ALB}, 乂PROG乂™, cucudrulu, ESCØØBAR[V8M], HakØ, VF1SKULL, *A*T*A*L*A*I*A*, Liuuk, †AKBEY†, 乂★Be$iKTa$★乂, ☠️VİRA☠️, ihtiyar, e.m.i.n, Revokan[BR], Tommaso03, janci3, ★♥A.N.N.Y_B.Ø.N.N.Y♥★, [♛]乂™RECØN™乂[♛], BattleSeea, EMEKTAR☾★ liked this message.

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