Battle of Sea
Online Pirate and Sea War Game

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Battle of Sea - Forum

Happy Ramadan!

Hello Pirates
We have left behind another month of Ramadan in the BOS seas. We wish everyone a happy ramadan and wish them many healthy holidays. Hoping for our players to have a full holiday, we planned our holiday event for the week after the holiday.
We are organizing an event on the Battle of Sea in commemoration of this valuable day. Furthermore, event rankings and event missions await you alongside the event.
Note: Lionheart's Fury design can be won with a 100% rate from event missions, while Lionheart's Fury Admiral design can be won through bidding. The tender design will be added before the event, with the first tender time on 19.04.2024.
What is the Event Date?
Server time: 19.04.2024 12:00 - 21.04.2024 23:59 (2 days 12 hours)
What is the Event Content?
1- Event monster: Poisonous Bee Monster (Small NPC)
2- Event ship: Lionheart's Fury (Small NPC)
3- Event ship: Lionheart's Fury Admiral (Boss NPC)
4- Auction Item: Lionheart's Fury Admiral Design
Poisonous Bee Monster:
Found on every map. It has 3,000 health points. As a reward, it gives between 70-80 items of design keys and rockets, speed, repair, gunpowder, armor, healing, fireworks, and steel harpoon items. It awards 500 event points.
Lionheart's Fury Ship:
Found on every map. It has 120,000 health points. As a reward, it gives 1 design key, experience points, and ship points. It awards 2,750 event points.
Lionheart's Fury Admiral Ship:
When 35 small event ships are sunk on any map, a admiral ship spawns at the location of the 35th ship. The remaining number for the spawn can be learned by sinking small event ships. If there is already a admiral ship on the map or about to spawn, the remaining number will be 0.
It has 45,000,000 health points. As a reward, it gives gold, experience points, ship points, and event points based on the amount of damage dealt.
Are there any special skills provided?
Fireball and firework cannonballs deal more damage to all event ships.
Are there event missions?
There are 4 event missions available in the event tab.
1- Deal 30,000,000 damage to the "Lionheart's Fury" ship
2- Deal 50,000,000 damage to the "Lionheart's Fury Admiral" ship
3- Deal 250,000 damage to the "Poisonous Bee" monster
4- Collect 500 event keys.
How does the event ranking work?
Event points are earned based on the damage dealt to event ships. Rewards are distributed at the end of the event for the following rankings:
(1) 2,000,000 ship points, 200,000 exp.
(2-5) 1,500,000 ship points, 150,000 exp.
(6-10) 1,000,000 ship points, 100,000 exp.
(11-50) 500,000 ship points, 50,000 exp.

08.04.2024 15:58:28
★†ırdッ, wess, *A*T*A*L*A*I*A*, ●†乂Kaguya●[RA.]乂†●, 乂●HACİVAT●乂, EMEKTAR☾★, MUHTAR, ONE☯TOUCH, ★KRAL♛R3CO★17, 乂AHMET乂, ★Unknown, [HØLL★ND★L††]™TR3◢TCD◢, AKÇAABATLI, ★►Gecekartalı34◄★, IzeT-ALB, EAGLE™, ZEH!R, Stormtrooper, VF1SKULL, 乂HARDY乂, BAYRAKTAR™☪, RHANDALL™, vonGoethe, Darkvador2022, Tugajr, *DraGo*, ★♆SkeeterRabbit♆★, HakØ, ★♥A.N.N.Y_B.Ø.N.N.Y♥★, TUGİ☪, Oakley☠️☠️☠️, Oxiurus, Velikiy, ★☪KiLLeRBee☪★ØNE™ liked this message.

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