Battle of Sea
Online Pirate and Sea War Game

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New Item: Ballistic Missile

Hello Pirates
We added new item to our game to diversify the battles tactically. You can find the details of this item from the information below.
Ballistic Missile:
It is a missile that can hit its target from long range after locking on to it. It deals 20% less damage than the rocket, but its range is 30% more. It uses the same cooldown as a rocket and grants x2 ship points like a rocket.
It can be purchased for gold at the same cost as the rocket from the "Menu > Skills" section. It cannot be increased in level, as the level of the rocket skill increases, the ballistic missile damage will automatically increase.
For example, if you use a ballistic missile, you cannot use a ballistic missile or rocket again for 10 seconds. For this reason, you should choose carefully which one you will use.

16.11.2023 14:11:04
★†ırdッ, Goku™Unstoppable, will0103, ►RSTMM◄ッ, 乂_King35_乂™, jr●Börteçine●KNG, *A*T*A*L*A*I*A*, 乂☠️REY★AZTEKA☠️乂, F_U_M_A_☪_A_◄☢, 乂☠️RÜZGAR☠️乂, BELAッ, VitoScaletta★RES, GuvenK., SilentSlayer, KARABATAK, Jaçk-$parrow..Çz, ★™Sayın❀Büyük™★ liked this message.

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