Battle of Sea
Online Pirate and Sea War Game

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New Quests
Quests have been the same for a long time, and I think the way they are designed should be changed. There shiny mission is the only short one, the others you really need time for. I think the quests need to be shorter and easier, but there to be more of them.  For the players on the side without islands the quests must be very difficult because there are so many players shooting them that trying to do 40 NPCs while avoiding enemies takes such a long time. I expect it can be 90mins+ for some players. It is very hard to play casually when the quests are so long and there is nothing else to do. Some ideas for quests could be:
  • 10 NPCs (multiple per level for different NPCs) (5 Potions)
  • 100k damage
  • 10 coordinates
  • 200k Damage vs Dragon
  • 50k Hitpoints repaired with repair ammo
  • 100k PVP damage
  • 500k total PVE damage vs anything.

These are based off Level 19 quests, and would be easier for lower level players. Payout for each quest could be about half what they are now, maybe a little bit more, so 5 potions for the 100k damage and 10 NPCs, 10 for repair and pvp, and 20 potions for total PVE damage. These are just examples. Overall, by changing the quests it will give players a wider variety of things to do, and still receive rewards.

Extended vision
Fighting in this game definitely got better with the recent update, but now with the speed so high it is very easy to lose enemies out of your vision. Having a larger range of vision would be a good addition.
Add special chest shinies that can be opened with keys purchased with gold. These would payout items similar to the chest events, but the chests woud be rarer and keys must be purchased with gold to open them to keep this balanced. They could then also have very rare chance to receive the Hull and large rewards like 50k Gold.
New Ammo & Items
As I said, fighting got much better with the recent speed and range increases, but there could still be a few more changes i think to add more skill to the game outside of map changing and speed timing. At the moment if you are lower elite than your enemy, and both full hp, you will lose unless you can change map, so some new items to add more skill would be nice. My thoughts were 2 new ammo types, and 2 items.
  • Blast Ammo - Does 75% damage of Fireworks on initial shot, but does 10% of damage to all ships within a small radius.
  • Burn Ammo - Does 75% damage of Fireworks on initial shot, but does burn damage over time totalling 35% Firework damage. Stronger over time, but weaker on the first shot.
  • Range Books - 2 items, the same as Windstorms and Hailstorms on the other game. Windstorms increase range but decrease damage, and Hailstorms decrease range and increase damage.
These items would give more options and tactics in fights and could help open the skill gap between good players and strong ships.
A skill system where you can focus on increasing aspects such as damage, range, hp, speed, PVE damage, reload speed, item effectiveness, rewards etc would be a welcome addition. Having a limited number of skill points so that you cannot max everything would make players focus on certain aspects of their playstyle. Players who prefer PVE could build their boat toward damage and extra NPC rewards for maximum profit, whereas fighters could increase their speed and range. This would just add another level opf skill to the game, where every boat is not just determined by its Ship Points.

Admiral Baron
The Admiral Baron could do with an update. Its good, but with the Pro map it isnt as special as it used to be. To be honest I think increasing the Ship Points from Admiral Barons x2 would be a good change, but above this I think they should give 50 Potions total, spread between all players. So if you do 100k damage, you get 5 potions, a similar payout to the quest rewards I mentioned before.
PVP Rank
There is really no reward in fighting on this game aside from just fun. Adding a PVP Rank system would give players an incentive to fight more, which will in turn bring more action and more players to the game. Sinking players awards you a number of PvP Rank Points, with higher ranked players paying out more points when sunk. This therefore means players wanting to increase their rank the most will fight stronger players, and the low level players building their boats can get some relief, also increasing player count. Reaching certain milestones could provide rewards such as items, new designs and buffs. The rank badge couldbe displayed to the left of the plsyers boat
Group System
Allow players to join up in a group to share rewards. All players receive an equal share of the rewards for any NPC sunk, apart from those shared by damage dealth (Dragon, Baron, Bloody Guardian etc). Players in a group can also see eachother on the minimap at all times, see eachother's HP in a Group popup menu, and click/double click names on the group popup to target/travel to that player.
New Bonus Maps
Finally, I think there should be some new bonus maps. One new solo map that is more difficult than the Magicians map. For 400 Potions it should have 1m total HP, give 500k Gold, 300k Ship Points, 200k EXP and 1500 Gunpowder/Armour. The final reward instead of 1000 HP would be 10% damage for 14 days. The second new map I would love to see would be a guild map. 15 waves, total HP of 10m. NPCs hit hard so it would be hard to do it solo, but any players of a guild can join the map together. Players receive full rewards if they help complete a wave, and receive 20% of the reward if they are in the guild but did not participate in the wave. The final reward could be 10% PVE damage for 1 week for all players.

21.07.2022 04:45:15
★AK47.RISEN.★ liked this message.

Merhaba ,
  1. Yenigörevler gelmesi bu görevlerin kolay zor normal olacak sekılde duzenlenmes.
  2. Etkinlik icerikleri farklılık gösterilmesi ayda en 1 yada 2 etkinlik gelmesi
  3. Evet türk oyunu ama yabancı ulklerın kurulus yıllarında onlarında bayrak toplama etkınlıklerın yapılmaso oyunun glbollıgı acısında onemlı
  4. Iksır kazanımlar sadece gorevlerle degıl bazı npc lerın son atısında verılmesı ornek (baron,dragon , Admıral barn)
  5. Yeni harıtaların gelmesi
  6. İstediğimiz tasarımları kullanamabılmek ıcın elıt gemı sevıyesıne baglıolan olan elıt puanın bırbırınden ayrılması.
  7. moba harıtasından vuralan npclerden altın gelmesı bu altınlarla moba hartıtası ıcınde gulle alınması
  8. Etkinlik dönemlerinde eski tasarımların alınabılmesı ıcın etkınlık marketı yapılması bu market ıse ozel farklı bır para bırımıyle alınması (pazara da eklenebılır ) 
  9. Can basma ıcın tılsım getırılmesı
  10. Admırallerın artırılması boss npc lerı yanı altın tp ve gemı puanı veren farklı ozellıkle npcler
  11. Farklı ozel harıtaların olması ve verılecek gemılerın kalıcı olması
  12. Savas aksıyon esyaların artırılması ornk menzıl artması krıtık sureklı vurulması gıbı
  13. Fılo kasası olusturulması her uyeden 10 altın alınması toplanan altınların yenı baslayacak olan uyelere %10 veriyle verilmesi bu yenı bslayanları daha ıyı bır yere getırecektır (Altın bagıs kısmı sadece13 lvl altı oyunculara yapılabılır )

21.07.2022 12:12:27

For example, a Pvp point system taking into account the elite level of the sunken boat, having positive points for having sunk a boat and having negative points for having been sunk, it is a simple system which could make it possible to have new Pvp medals as currently rank is mostly based on Pve.
This Pvp point system would greatly penalize the afk boats. With a system like that an elite 30 is not necessarily the best ranked, a good challenge and a good motivation for players looking for suitable rankings!

21.07.2022 15:07:46

200 players max on the game simultaneously, you have to be 50 minimum to pretend to attack an island without a defender. adapted this to energize the game and rebalance it..
and try to do something with the bloody the game is dead filled with afk and double account for a week it's horrible
 Thanks for attention 

22.07.2022 00:19:42

etkinlik ok az sayıda gelmektedir bunun ayda bir olması makul olur diye dşünüyorum

23.07.2022 16:47:28

Sayın admin, artık savaş puanı rütbesi gelme zamanı gelmedi mi? Geminin Sol tarafına cok yakışır bence şöyle yıldızlı felan bişey fena olmaz. 
Sezon sıralaması nada eklenebilir diye düşünüyorum. Birde etkinliklere çeşitlilik getirilebilir. Etkinlik görevleri gibi,teşekürler. 

23.07.2022 23:10:19
Davy_jones67 liked this message.

Hello, I think it would be nice to add quests or events for the moba. Putting the items in infinity is an abuse of using fireballs that are not even counted for pel and just trying to win..
Delete player nicknames inside ==> player 1 2 3 4 5
- surely copy from another game not to mention but to add designs to the last shoot of the bloody which could be scalable :)
- set a time limit of at least 24 hours to leave a guild and join another.

24.07.2022 19:45:22


Sugestões por RipperCrazy 


  • Npcs  

Adicionar monstros ao mar para serem mortos com arpão. 


  • Nível de mapa e missões  

Hoje temos que fazer repetidamente as missões para subir de mapa. Seria interessante a possibilidade de quando o jogado atingir uma quantidade de xp após ter passado de mapa a opção de fazer um teste pirata para passar de Nível com a ajuda de seus companheiros de guilda ou continuar fazendo as missoes até atingir uma quantidade de exp. maior. 

Adicionar missoes para utilizar o npc Dragon e o Admiral Baron essa sendo reiniciada a cada 10 dias e com objetivo de retirar uma grande quantidade de vida deles. 


  • Fórum  

Adicionar a opção de curtir a ideia de outro jogador e comentar. 

Adicionar aba de votação para uma ideia, que gerar bastante repercussão.   


  • Ilhas e Guilda 

Hoje as ilhas já tem um nivel de dificuldade bom para serem tomadas so que com a possibilidade que os jogadores tem de entrarem e sair da guilda a todo momento acaba fazendo com que um grupo bom de jogadores online no momento defenda todos os mapas assim dificultando muito a aliança que está a perder tomar uma ilha assim causando um certo desconforto ente os jogadores da aliança. 

Para resolver seria bom aumentar o tempo que um jogador leva para aplicar em uma guilda após ter saído de outra guilda. 

Adicionar uma cor diferente a tag da guilda aliada com possibilidade de adicionar até 6 + - guilda aliada e essas guildas tendo um bônus a mais para upar dependendo da quantidade de ilha que elas tenham. 


  • Sistema de grupo e Farme 

Adicionar a possibilidade de criar uma janela de grupo em que os jogadores que estiverem em grupo possam se localizar no mini mapa e indicar uma localização, fornece também um indicador de vida dos participantes e a possibilidade de ir até o participante do grupo apenas clicando no nome dele e dividir a recompensa entre os participantes e com a possibilidade de alterar a porcentagem de ganhos para um único jogador até uma quantidade razoável. 

Tirar a opção de um jogador mata vario npc para outro jogador que não estar em grupo. 


  • Sistema de medalhas e PVP 

Adicionar medalha para a classificação de jogadores afundados 

Adicionar uma temporada de pvp mas com uma observação jogadores mapa 9, 10,14 e 15 não poderão participar e esses não contaram para o rank de temporada e teram seus nomes marcado com uma cor diferente.


Att. RipperCrazy 


Sempre pensando em um jogo, mas alegre, divertido e justo. 


Obrigado pela atenção e um bom trabalho. 

24.07.2022 20:37:54

Oyunun Gidişatı Güzel Ama 30 sınıf 19 lvl olduktan sonra oyunun bir anlamı kalmıyor Oyuna Güverte getirmeniz lazım Yeni Yetenek Ağaçları Getirmeniz lazım yeni Yetenek agacini elmas ile güçlendirme olsun elmas zor kazanilsin 

24.07.2022 23:33:42

  1. .More events need to diversify the game because it is boring all the time the same missions and the bonus map is boring!
    Punching faster experience point and elite point now is very arduous and the game is just about hitting elite point boredom!
    Make individual bonus maps with rewards - hp, desing,% shot
    Good luck with your updates

27.07.2022 18:40:09

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