Battle of Sea
Online Pirate and Sea War Game

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Attribuer les points de combat au joueur ayant toucher en dernier le joueur si la personne se jete dans une île ou en shootant un NPC en espérant ne pas donner les points de combats. 

je vois beaucoup de joueurs courir se jeter dans une île pour espérer ne pas être couler par un ennemi. 

il faut arrêter cela. 

Have Fun 

09.01.2023 01:23:28
☠️乂GREEN●SAINT乂☠️™, ★†ırdッ, NIKITA_XV, wess liked this message.

The battle point system is interesting but easily abused.

players have been exchanging battle points with each other, sinking allied accounts (and it can be easily verified, like sinking the same players 3 times every day), using multi-accounts to benefit one account (pushing).

The last shot system is not the best. I believe that the best criterion would be that battle points were allocated proportionally to the damage done to the sunken ship. for example every 1000 damage = 1 battle point.

it would be fairer for everyone and make pushing more difficult. As for other abuses, they must be punished with rigor.

09.01.2023 04:10:51
◄BAGASKING►[PvP], ☢MAKARØV☢, ★†ırdッ, Jasie$ liked this message.

Hello developers. Well I think slowly we are seeing changes in the game and the next one is they will implement harpoon and monster.
BTW, so many players on low maps for tower season last Saturday that I was surprised, it reminded me how active naval battle was 2 years ago.
I have some suggestions to make the game more appealing, so let's talk about it.
I think it would be important that: players could level up with a pirate test and receive epic rewards for leveling up. (gold, xp, pearl and elite points) do not level up for reaching experience. Make Daily Quests available when the player is level 16.
  • Change the repair system to another mode which repair immediately after click and stop working when we click second time, make it free and unlimited.
  • A new attack map that rewards buffs, the interesting thing would not be just the buffs, but because it would be so much fun to have alliance wars on the map.
  • Add a new skill, the skill is Windstorm, it magically increases your ship's normal fire range by 33%.
  • Make the speed have a longer duration and speed.
  • faster change map available
  • Reduce the number of maps and add map 20.
  • Changes the effect of ammo. Eliminate the effect of hollow ammo, make the hollow have the effect of Sharpnel ammo. Add a new ammo effect Ammo Voodoo Doom, I really like the ammo effect and think it needs to be paid more attention. 
  • This sea graphic option available back, is the best we've ever had.

09.01.2023 09:37:48
◄BAGASKING►[PvP], ★†ırdッ, NIKITA_XV, ●✘K-2ooo✘●, **[COLOSO]** liked this message.

Admin please adjust the cords mission. Its literally impossible to finish when there are over 200+ ships in a single map farming and shooting you down.
Make it so for example if you are level 18 that you can do the cords in both 18/1 and 18/2 depending on wich map you are on when you start it.

09.01.2023 15:28:04
♥Jennie♥, ☢MAKARØV☢ liked this message.

BATTLE POINT IMPROVEMENT => Players who fart a person from their guild, to avoid gaining battle points, must lose important battle points, it's anti-game.

11.01.2023 18:51:09
★†ırdッ, NIKITA_XV, 乂CastieL乂 liked this message.

- Players who commit suicide in an island or on npcs must lose points and the last player who shot them must gain points. Please!
- Moreover, the hidden protection must be lost after a certain time (10 min for example) without having exceeded the 3'000 life points. Too many players farm without exceeding 3'000 life points to not lose battle points...

11.01.2023 19:08:41
will0103, NIKITA_XV, 乂CastieL乂, ●✘K-2ooo✘●, USS-Hornet liked this message.

Mettre les tag [TAG] des membres de sa propre guilde en bleu comme certain on pu le remarquer avec le bug après avoir fais une moba le rendu est vraiment mieux et cela rends plus facile la reconnaissance des membres de sa guilde :)

11.01.2023 20:21:09
★†ırdッ, ●✘K-2ooo✘●, NIKITA_XV, 乂CastieL乂 liked this message.


Hello guys , I would like to share a problem with you

As you know the guild that owns the island gets some advantages and 2 guild = 10% extra damage of course this advantage is important for all players

Today players are divided into two alliances The strongest alliance (not mine) has all the islands and there’s nothing we can do because ennemy are too many and Towers 3 do too much damage Could you find a solution so that all players are happy and have fun with 10% Maybe add an object to the auction to have the 10% s advantage Or maybe make the islands easier to destroy Of course those who have island will disagree with me I’m sure you’ll find a solution Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter

13.01.2023 23:00:43
wess liked this message.

1: Que los nuevos diseños traigan atributos adicionales:
*Reduccion de daño
*Aumento de daño 
barco de evento:
+2 puntos de velocidad
2: poder personalizar la configuración de armamento.
    configuración 1:
    *Balas de fuego
3: Otro mapa bono
4: Nuevos niveles en las habilidades
5: Nuevos productos en el bazar:
*Balas luminosas

16.01.2023 07:23:16

kolay gelsin iyi çalışmalar dilerim öncelilikle oyun biraz sıkıcı hal almaya  başladı artık anasayfa ve oyun için biraz düzenleme istiyoruz market sayfası özellikle çok boş görünüyor biraz eklentiler eklense çok daha sürükleyici olabilir etkinlikler biraz daha arttırılırmalı özel gemi tasarımı değilde daha farklı ödüllerde olabilir top atışları ve can biraz daha arttırılabilir filo sayıları 75 yerine 100 olsa çok daha iyi olur filo değişimler 6 saat olunca karmaşık bir durum oldu oyunda biraz farklılık istiyoruz beni dinlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim iyi çalışmalar.

16.01.2023 17:41:59

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